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Contact Visit Friesland

Do you know where you want to go? - Discover all tourist information points per region:

Visit Friesland

Visit Friesland

In all regions of Friesland you will find several tourist information offices who can help you for a specific region.

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Frisian Islands

On the Wadden islands there are five tourist information offices, one on each island.

Meer over Frisian Islands

North-west Friesland

Here you will find all tourist information offices for the region of North-West Friesland.

Meer over North-west Friesland
Beeldbank 3590.

North-east Friesland

Here you will find all tourist information offices for the region of North-East Friesland.

Meer over North-east Friesland

South-east Friesland

Here you will find all tourist information offices for the region of South-East Friesland.

Meer over South-east Friesland

South-west Friesland

Here you will find all tourist information offices for the region of South-West Friesland. +31 513 - 250 450

Meer over South-west Friesland


Here you will find tourist information regarding the city of Leeuwarden. +31 58 233 85 45

Meer over Leeuwarden
De scheve toren Oldehove bij het vallen van de avond