The Harichsterbos, a forest of 66 hectares, is located south of Harich and southwest of Balk. The forest has a so-called rabat structure.
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The Harichsterbos, a forest of 66 hectares, is located south of Harich and southwest of Balk. The forest has a so-called rabat structure. Because of the underlying boulder clay layer in the woods, which does not allow water to pass through, ditches were dug for drainage. The land that became available was used to raise the wooded area.
These dams are called rabats. On these dams common oaks were planted for timber exploitation. Deer, badgers, and stone martens can be found in the forest. Staatsbosbeheer (the Dutch Forestry Commission) has managed the area since 1962.
Here you will find Harichsterbos
HarichsterbosTsjerkepaed 2
8571RS Harich Plan your route
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