KWASTSTREPEN OP LINNENDOOK Skreppe, klauwe, treeride Streekride, út it eend sotte. De klankkleur fan In earste slach fan in lik bôrn Efter in stultjen of slide. Om de echte streek Te pakjen te kriien. Jûnge stylisten Beworkje it iis As kwaststreepen Op in linnendook. Priis of preemje Blieuwt tûzjoers de fraich. Warbere wintermannen Mei weargles en Skoewboarden yn tou. Baske glodde baentjes Op it Yselmor, Yn de haivenkom, De Sylroede of de Yndyk. Pûiermôlken So no en den. Ride, beljeie op Befôrzen iikonisje Raffeliche ynhammen. Stikjes iis útseeke Tróch maanse earstelingen. Yn in feaniche Earste en twadde plasse Fan de Stoenckerne, Wur yn it förjier bremstiche, Leepen, skreesen en teitjes Tredje yn it blaue gers.
After the liberation of Sneek on April 15, 1945, Canadian troops advanced to the Afsluitdijk. The Frisian resistance advised against the attack. It remembered the May days at the beginning of the war in 1940.
After the Canadians had been festively welcomed in Leeuwaren, it was important to advance quickly to Franeker to prevent the last escape option of the Germans over the Afsluitdijk and the IJsselmeer. The attack against the Afsluitdijk was launched from the southeast on 16 April, but the tanks of the Queens Own Rifles soon ran into the strong German defenses.
After that, the village of Wons was surrounded, but the Germans defended themselves very fanatically at Pingjum. There were many snipers and the Canadians were fired on from the farms. Allied fighters and artillery were deployed to break the German resistance. During the shelling, five farms went up in flames, six civilians, one Canadian and 46 Germans were killed. On April 18, 1945, the Canadians were able to report that the entire area had been cleared of enemies.
Een kunstwerk van Hendrik Elings. Dit schilderij laat de haven van Hemrik zien en is uit een reeks van kunstwerken die bij de ijsbanen van de Iisbaankeunstrûte horen.