Spend the night in a group accommodation in Friesland
Special group accommodations - in friesland
Group accommodations - nearby the water
Other gems - in the province
natuurlijk kollumeroord
Natural Kollumeroord is located in Lauwersmeer National Park. One of the accommodations that you can book there is called 'de Vlinderbalg' and is for 32 people. Enjoy the beautiful nature, experience an active adventure or a wonderfully relaxed getaway.
de weyde blick
The Weyde Blick is beautifully situated in the middle of the Southwest Friesland National Landscape. The park with various holiday homes for groups of 4 to 28 people is located on the edge of the village of Warns, a stone's throw from the pleasant Eleven Cities city of Stavoren.
De Laape
De Laape is a former farm in Warten, close to Leeuwarden. De Laape was once a proud dairy farm and now offers space for up to 18 people, divided into 18 single rooms.
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Villa Surf
The brand new, very luxurious holiday villa 'Surf' is located in a unique location on the edge of the dune area near Ballum on Ameland.