One thing is a given: the Zuidergracht concert will once again be an unforgettable evening for all of Leeuwarden! The concert is completely free to visit with your own boat or come and watch and listen from the quay.
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One thing is a given: the Zuidergracht concert will once again be an unforgettable evening for all of Leeuwarden! The concert is entirely free to visit with your own boat or come to look and listen from the quay.
On Saturday 9 September 2023, the Leeuwarder Zuidergracht (in the water opposite the terrace of drinking and dining room Proefverlof), for the 3rd time Blokhuispoort will be transformed into a concert stage . This year BIGGER & BETTER with a different layout than past years, so that we can receive more public on the Zuidergrachtswal. Just like last year, once again you can again dock your boat and swing in front of the stage! If you don't have a boat or would you rather come on foot? No problem! The quay on Zuidergrachtswal is available for visitors and from here you have perfect view of the stage and the boats! The Zuidergrachtconcert is free to visit but a voluntary donation for Voedselbank Leeuwarden by boat is desired.
The program consists of the following (please note: times subject to change):
Until 6:00pm you have the possibility to moor your boat in the canal. Come on time because full = full and at 6:00pm the canal will temporarily be closed.
7:00 pm - Walk-in
8:00 pm - Supporting act with Koester
9:00 pm - Main programme with performances by Tim Douwsma, Tollak, Selina Albright, Elske DeWall and Ten Sharp
Here you will find Zuidergrachtconcert
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