Travelling around and to Friesland by public transport
There are multiple good train and bus connections to and from Friesland. You can reach our capital in just two hours from Amsterdam Central Station and there is a fast connection to Groningen that brings you to Leeuwarden within 30 minutes.
Do you want to know the fastest and easiest way to travel to Friesland? On you can find up-to-date travel information, check whether it is easiest to travel by train or by bus and where to switch vehicles.
Friesland has excellent bus connections with neighbouring provinces and also regionally between towns. Even to and on the Wadden Islands it is easy to travel by bus. Arriva is the main transportation agency in Friesland. All busses are equipped with a payment system that allows travellers to pay with their ‘OV-chipkaart’ (public transportation chip card), debit card, contactless card or credit card.

Friesland’s large cities and towns are well accessible by train. Trains even stop right in the centre of the capital city of Leeuwarden. Arriva and the Dutch Railways (NS) are the two transportation agencies within our province. Both have a handy travel app which also directly offers tickets for sale and for download.

AND THEN? RENT A bicycle
Do you have a personal OV-chipkaart? Then you can also rent an OV-fiets (public transport bicycle). This is a rental bike that facilitates the last step of your journey. You can put the OV-fiets subscription on your OV-chipkaart for free. You only pay a fare of €3.85 every 24 hours, with a maximum rental period of 72 hours. After 72 hours, you pay an additional charge of €5 every 24 hours. Costs for the use of an OV-fiets are automatically deducted from your bank account.
You can rent an OV-fiets at train stations in Leeuwarden, Sneek and Heerenveen.
Find a rental locations here