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It Kweade Wiif Fan Hylpen


A reminder of the saga about ‘it Kweade Wiif fan Hylpen’ (the angry woman of Hylpen) can still be found on the house at Buren 44 in Hindeloopen. A façade stone shows a dog with an angel above it, with its wings spread out above the dog.

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A reminder of the saga about ‘it Kweade Wiif fan Hylpen’ (the angry woman of Hylpen) can still be found on the house at Buren 44 in Hindeloopen. A façade stone shows a dog with an angel above it, with its wings spread out above the dog.

Long ago, a captain and his wife lived in Hindeloopen (Hylpen). The captain's wife was very much in charge at home, and was very fastidious. The house was always spick and span. When the captain returned from his travels therefore – and he was dirty or wet – then he was required to take his clothes off outdoors, before being allowed in the house.

So one day, the captain returned home, after having been at sea for six weeks. This time, he brought a large black dog with him, which he'd saved from a shipwreck. The grateful animal had not strayed from his side ever since. On arriving in Hindeloopen, it was quite literally raining cats and dogs. But the captain's wife was not to be moved, and was determined she was not having a wet dog in the home. The captain replied that he would then also remain outside, and that she must manage without him in the future. The captain's wife reacted by slamming the door in their faces.

And so the captain returned to his ship with his dog. While his wife assumed 'they'll be back in the morning', the captain actually never returned. He and his dog took to the seas. And still his wife continued to believe that he would come back, but nothing was further from the truth. The captain stayed away from many years, sailing all round Europe, where there was always cargo to be transported. The woman grew older and her health began to suffer. She suddenly realised that she would remain alone for the rest of her life. She well understood that it was her own fault, and regretted being so mean to him, as she became more and more mellow over the years...

It was a dark night in autumn. The wind was blowing, and hail and rain streamed down in Hindeloopen. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The woman opened the door, and there was her husband: wet through and his clothes in tatters. Alongside him stood the large, faithful black dog. The dog was just as wet and dirty as his master, but the milder version of this woman no longer cared. She flew into her husband's arms, and the dog was cuddled too. The captain explained that this time around, the dog had saved him during a shipwreck. The woman promised that the dog would be given the best place in the house from now on.

And so it happened. The captain never returned to sea, and he and his wife lived together happily until the end of their lives. He also ensured that, in honour of his trusty rescuer, a façade stone was placed in the wall of his house. It can now still be found at Buren 44 in Hindeloopen.

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Here you will find It Kweade Wiif Fan Hylpen

Buren 44
8713 KC Hindeloopen
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