eleven city routes in Friesland
The Elfstedentocht is the most legendary route in Friesland, even in the Netherlands we dare say. After a quarter-century thaw, it has become clear that you can also do the tour in many other ways: from cycling to motorcycling and from sailing to swimming!
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Elfstedentocht cycling
Cycling more than two hundred kilometres in one day? That's guaranteed to be saddle sore. Be smart and spread out your cycling trip over four days. If you cycle fifty kilometres each day, you will have enough time left over to have an extensive lunch on the way and to see all eleven fountains.
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Elfstedentocht walking
It's a challenge though: completing the Elfstedentocht on foot. It is much slower than skating or cycling. But during the 16-stage walking Elfstedentocht, you do see everything up close. What's stopping you? Slow down and enjoy every kilometre today.
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elfstedentocht sailing
It has been a while since you could skate along the eleven cities. But as long as the water of the Eleven Cities Route is liquid, you can enjoy the trip in your boat, canoe or sup. Or put on your wetsuit and do like Maarten van der Weijden! The trip is doable for boats with a maximum clearance of 2.4 m.
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More ways to - complete the Elfstedentocht
On your motorbike, by campervan, on your tractor or just in your car...the Elfstedentocht: anyone can do it! If you are a fast adventurer, you can do it in one day. But are you into wandering around authentic towns and making pit stops at fun places along the way? Then take a couple of days!
Events - Organised Elfstedententocht
Traditionally, a number of Eleven Cities Tour events take place every year. The walking five-day event is always in the week of Ascension, cyclists and motorcyclists have been riding the tour on Whit Monday for years and the suppers go in September, of course. Would you like to take part in such a special tour?