The Lege Geaen | Sailing route
Round trip around the Sneekermeer. Through the meadows and through the pools. You pass two small locks.
Just after Sneek as you enter the Snitser Âldfeart and just before Terherne on the Tersoalster Sylroede are the locks. Keep this in mind in terms of time and operations.
The route starts in Terherne. You sail around the Sneekermeer lake via various puddles. Via the Terhernster Puollen you pass the Kameleon island. Will you spot Sietse and Hielke Klinkhamer in their boat? You then sail through the beautiful open water over the Terkaplester Puollen, Sâltpoel and Goaiingarypster Puollen. Several eating places line the water, so mooring is always possible!
Just before the Houkesleat, you pass Sneek's starting island. Various sailing competitions on the Sneekermeer are started from here. You then sail into Sneek. Go strai…
Round trip around the Sneekermeer. Through the meadows and through the pools. You pass two small locks.
Just after Sneek as you enter the Snitser Âldfeart and just before Terherne on the Tersoalster Sylroede are the locks. Keep this in mind in terms of time and operations.
The route starts in Terherne. You sail around the Sneekermeer lake via various puddles. Via the Terhernster Puollen you pass the Kameleon island. Will you spot Sietse and Hielke Klinkhamer in their boat? You then sail through the beautiful open water over the Terkaplester Puollen, Sâltpoel and Goaiingarypster Puollen. Several eating places line the water, so mooring is always possible!
Just before the Houkesleat, you pass Sneek's starting island. Various sailing competitions on the Sneekermeer are started from here. You then sail into Sneek. Go straight ahead at the Sommerrak instead of turning right to spot the watergate. Then visit the Fries Scheepvaartmuseum to learn more about the city's maritime history.
On the Snitser Âldfeart you sail on a nicely sheltered route, through the meadows. Here you pass through the region De Lege Geaen, or De Lage Landen. This region consists of several mound villages just above Sneek, such as Gauw, Sibrandabuorren, Tersoal and Poppenwier. It is a meadow bird area with ditches, canals and bridges and ponds.
Bridges in Friesland
On this route, you will also encounter a number of bridges, which can be opened for you if desired. Consult the Provinsje Fryslân's Watersport App to check the height and operating times of the bridges. Some bridges you can also operate yourself with the help of this Watersport App.
Sustainable sailing
Refuelling? Choose blue diesel. Or take an electric boat out. Something tasty for on the way? Fine, but make sure empty packaging does not blow overboard. And do you come across litter on the way? Then take it on board. Read more about sustainable water sports in Friesland.
Waterways information
The route is a category E waterway; boats with a draught of up to 1.00 m are allowed here.
Sights on this route
Tourist Information Terherne
You are welcome at the Tourist Information in Terherne for all tourist information about the region. Here, a team of enthusiastic volunteers is ready to provide you with all the information you need!

Tourist Information Terherne
Tourist Information Terherne
VVV Terherne, bij het Kameleon Botenstation
Koailân 2
8493 LA Terherne
Terherne is known as the Kameleon village and is an island in the Sneekermeer. On one side, you'll find the lake, and on the other side, the Terhernster ponds.

Kameleondorp Terherne
Discover the village Lenten. Look at the village where Hielke and Sietse lived.

Goaiingarypster Puollen
The Goingarijpster Puollen is connected to the Sneekermeer at multiple locations.

The Sneekermeer (Frisian and official: Snitser Mar) is, of course, known for the Sneekweek, the annual sailing races held on this lake.

Kolmeersland Starteiland Sneekermeer
Net buiten Sneek, in het Sneekermeer, ligt het Kolmeersland, oftewel het Starteiland, dat vooral bekend is vanwege de zeilwedstrijden tijdens de Sneekweek en het skûtsjesilen. Rondom het eiland kan worden aangemeerd in één van de jachthavens.

Kolmeersland Starteiland Sneekermeer
Kolmeersland Starteiland Sneekermeer
komeerlan 1
8626 GD Offingawier
Sneekermeer - Grutte Potten - Kijkheuvel met scherm

Sneekermeer - Grutte Potten - Kijkheuvel met scherm
Sneekermeer - Grutte Potten - Kijkheuvel met scherm
Sneek (Snits)
Sneek, or Snits as we say in Friesland, is the water sports city of the Netherlands. But Sneek is more than water sports and the Sneekweek. The city is bustling with events, culture, unique hotspots, and nice shops.

Water Gate Sneek
The Waterpoort in Sneek is a water gate, a gate in a defensive wall that connects a city to a waterway. In the 15th and 16th century, a defensive wall had been built around Sneek.

Region De Lege Geaen (The Low Countries)
The region 'De Lege Geaen' is a reclaimed area from the mouth of the former Middelzee, which ran through Friesland. The region consists of various terp villages just above Sneek.

Region De Lege Geaen (The Low Countries)
Region De Lege Geaen (The Low Countries)
8647 SB Sibrandabuorren
Tourist Information Terherne
You are welcome at the Tourist Information in Terherne for all tourist information about the region. Here, a team of enthusiastic volunteers is ready to provide you with all the information you need!