Oosterwolde - Drents Friese Wold | Circular Walk 9 of the Bonifatius Kloosterpad Monastery Route
Setting off from the village of Oosterwolde, this circular walk leads past tamed streams and combines spectacular nature reserves with the rich cultural history of Saxon Friesland.
The villages in this area are rooted in an agrarian tradition that stretches back into prehistory. In the Middle Ages the land was cultivated as far as the sand ridges. You walk through small-scale farmland to Drents-Friese Wold National Park. Here undulating sand tracks and forest paths lead you along the edge of an immense bank of drifted sand.
You end up at the De Schaopedobbe nature reserve, which …
Setting off from the village of Oosterwolde, this circular walk leads past tamed streams and combines spectacular nature reserves with the rich cultural history of Saxon Friesland.
The villages in this area are rooted in an agrarian tradition that stretches back into prehistory. In the Middle Ages the land was cultivated as far as the sand ridges. You walk through small-scale farmland to Drents-Friese Wold National Park. Here undulating sand tracks and forest paths lead you along the edge of an immense bank of drifted sand.
You end up at the De Schaopedobbe nature reserve, which is managed by It Fryske Gea, the organisation that protects Friesland’s natural and cultural heritage. Rumour has it that there was once a monastery here named Lux Mundi. This is probably just a story but there may well have been a farm here that supplied a local monastery.
As you walk along Klokhuisdijk near the village of Langedijke you pass the bell tower in the churchyard. Some people believe the bell came from the mysterious Lux Mundi monastery.
In the village of Oosterwolde, you walk past the village church commissioned by Daniël de Blocq-Lycklama à Nijeholt in 1735, which replaced the medieval church that once stood here. The Bishop of Utrecht granted permission for a parish church to be built here In 1204.
Sights on this route
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Schaopedobbe Nature Reserve
Schaopedobbe is a beautiful moorland landscape in Southeast Friesland. The reserve contains a mixture of marshland, sand drifts and small groups of trees. Because the area is very poor in nutrients the habitat here is home to unusual plants and animals.

Klokkenstoel Langedijke
Op de plek waar tweehonderd jaar geleden een kerk stond, staat nu alleen nog een klokkenstoel. Een houten geraamte met daarin een stokoude klok. Het betreft zelfs één van de oudste klokken van Noord Europa.

Dorpskerk Oosterwolde
In het waterrijke dorpje Oosterwolde geniet je van een goed bed in de rijksmonumentale Dorpskerk.

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