De Alde Feanen National Park XL Hiking Trail
This hiking trail takes you through the varied landscapes of De Alde Feanen National Park. You get to see canals, pits left by peat cutting and stretches of open water, as well as vast reed beds and dense swamp forests. You are also surrounded by beautiful panoramic views of Frisian meadows along the way.
The route starts at the visitor centre at De Alde Feanen National Park. From here, you walk along Koaidyk road to junction 80. Before long, you are on a dirt track that leads to Lytse Mear lake. Here you will find the first of several bird-watching hides on this route. The bird-watching hide in the Jan Durkspolder wetland reserve is a few hundred metres to the left of
junction 91. Here you…
This hiking trail takes you through the varied landscapes of De Alde Feanen National Park. You get to see canals, pits left by peat cutting and stretches of open water, as well as vast reed beds and dense swamp forests. You are also surrounded by beautiful panoramic views of Frisian meadows along the way.
The route starts at the visitor centre at De Alde Feanen National Park. From here, you walk along Koaidyk road to junction 80. Before long, you are on a dirt track that leads to Lytse Mear lake. Here you will find the first of several bird-watching hides on this route. The bird-watching hide in the Jan Durkspolder wetland reserve is a few hundred metres to the left of
junction 91. Here you can spot rare birds all year round. The opposite bank is a nesting site for a colony of Eurasian spoonbills. As you walk along the surfaced and shell-paved trails you are surrounded by panoramic views. With a bit of luck, you may even spot a hare or a deer. The last part of the route takes you through the It Wikelslân nature reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park, where you can see and hear many birds all year round. Binoculars come in handy if you want to watch birds from the hides!
The ‘Hin en Wer’ ferry just past junction 53 takes you back to the visitor centre.
(Please note! The ferry doesn’t run in the winter. Current ferry sailing times can be found at
Sights on this route
Starting point
Koaidyk 8a
9264 TP Eernewoude
Navigate to starting point
Alde Feanen - Westersanning - Vogelkijkhut
Aan de oostkant van de Alde Feanen, een uitgestrekt laagveengebied.

Alde Feanen - Westersanning - Vogelkijkhut
Alde Feanen - Westersanning - Vogelkijkhut
Oudega Gem Smallingerlnd
Jan Durkspolder
Jan Durkspolder is a wetland reserve that is part of De Alde Feanen National Park. The area is a haven for many species of foraging and migrating birds.

Alde Feanen - Jan Durkspolder - Vogelkijkhut
Ondiep water en plasdras, een trekpleister voor veel vogelsoorten.

Alde Feanen - Jan Durkspolder - Vogelkijkhut
Alde Feanen - Jan Durkspolder - Vogelkijkhut
9216 XJ Oudega Gem Smallingerlnd
Alde Feanen - Romsicht - Uitkijktoren
13 meter hoge uitkijktoren in de Alde Feanen

Alde Feanen - Romsicht - Uitkijktoren
Alde Feanen - Romsicht - Uitkijktoren
9216 Oudega Gem Smallingerlnd
It Wikelslân Nature Reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park
If you like the idea of walking in a swamp forest, a 3 or 5-kilometre walk through this remarkable part of the De Alde Feanen National Park will lead you on a fascinating journey of discovery.

It Wikelslân Nature Reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park
It Wikelslân Nature Reserve at De Alde Feanen National Park
It Wikelslân
Dominee Bolleman - van der Veenweg
9264 Earnewald
Alde Feanen - Ierdige Mar - Vogelkijkhut
Aan de Ierdige Mar, onderdeel van een groot laagveenmoeras.

Alde Feanen - Earnesleat - Uitkijktoren
Dit grote laagveenmoeras van bijna 4.000 hectare heeft moerasbossen, petgaten, rietlanden en enkele grote open wateren. Het is daardoor niet alleen landschappelijk gevarieerd, maar ook qua vogels. U kunt in de Alde Feanen zomertalingen zien, grote karekieten, purperreigers, zwarte sterns en allerlei soorten rietvogels. Let ook op voor geoorde futen.

Alde Feanen - Reid om 'e Krite - Vogelkijkhut
Uitzicht op een plas en uitgestrekte rietvelden.

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