Gaastmeer Ferry Route
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This ferry route starts in the village of Gaastmeer and leads through the It Heidenskip area. Along the way there are beautiful views from the Brekkenpaad trail along the shore of Oudegaaster Brekken (Aldegeaster Brekken) lake. In March and November the ferry sails between 11:00 and 16:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
At the start of the route, the It Oerset passenger and bike ferry transports you from the picturesque village of Gaastmeer to It Heidenskip. The open countryside in this area is dotted with traditional stelp farmhouses and modern cattle farms. Here you can still find plenty of peace and quiet. Fun fact: The traditional Frisian sport of ‘fierljeppen’, which involves pole vaulting over a canal, continues to thrive in It Heidenskip. There is also a fort in the area.
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This ferry route starts in the village of Gaastmeer and leads through the It Heidenskip area. Along the way there are beautiful views from the Brekkenpaad trail along the shore of Oudegaaster Brekken (Aldegeaster Brekken) lake. In March and November the ferry sails between 11:00 and 16:00 on Saturday and Sunday.
At the start of the route, the It Oerset passenger and bike ferry transports you from the picturesque village of Gaastmeer to It Heidenskip. The open countryside in this area is dotted with traditional stelp farmhouses and modern cattle farms. Here you can still find plenty of peace and quiet. Fun fact: The traditional Frisian sport of ‘fierljeppen’, which involves pole vaulting over a canal, continues to thrive in It Heidenskip. There is also a fort in the area.
Historic city of Workum
You cycle into the centre of Workum via the railway bridge. Before you know it, you are in the De Merk market square. The buildings around the square include the St Gertrude Church with its freestanding tower and the Workum Heritage Museum (Museum Warkums Erfskip). Workum is also the birthplace of Jopie Huisman, a self-taught artist who went on to become famous. You can learn more about his life and work at the Jopie Huisman Museum.
You continue on your way to the village of Nijhuizum, where you will find the smallest church in Friesland. Turn left and head for the Mûntsebuorsterpolder nature reserve and the Brekkenpaad lakeside trail. Here you can see beautiful views of Oudegaaster Brekken (Aldegeaster Brekken) lake on the right. Just before the end of the cycle path, you will see Doris Mooltsje, a black spiderhead mill built in 1780. At the end of the cycle path, turn right towards the village of Oudega.
After Oudega, it is worth turning off between junctions 32 and 33 to visit Sandfirden, or Sânfurd as it is known in Frisian, a small, beautifully situated village on a peninsula between two
lakes in southwest Friesland. The village consists of a church, and a few houses and farms. A lovely place to stop and take in the tranquil natural surroundings. Then continue back towards Gaastmeer where the bike ride ends.
Sights on this route
Gaastmeer is the ideal place to escape the hustle and bustle of the day and enjoy peace and space.

Workum (Warkum)
Workum (or Warkum as we say in Friesland), is one of the famous Frisian cities that has enjoyed city rights since 1399. Located on the shores of the former Zuiderzee and bordering the Frisian lakes.

11Fountains Workum
For centuries Workum’s city arms on ‘De Waag’ have been supported by two lions. They are naive and their theatrical pose prompts laughter.

Jopie Huisman Museum
The Jopie Huisman Museum is dedicated to the life and work of the Frisian self-taught master painter Jopie Huisman. His love of nature and his compassion are a recurrent theme.

Nijhúzumer Tsjerke
De kerk van Nijhuizum is de kleinste van Friesland, in 1721 opgetrokken uit de restanten van een ouder gebouw. Het is een bescheiden kerkje met een kerktoren en een eenvoudig interieur.

Monnikenburenmolen / Nijhuizumermolen
Spinnekopmolen vlakbij Nijhuizum en wordt ingezet als poldermolen.

Monnikenburenmolen / Nijhuizumermolen
Monnikenburenmolen / Nijhuizumermolen
Nijhuizum 17
8775 XD Nijhuizum
In het voorjaar is het topdrukte in de Mûntsebuorsterpolder. De grote aantallen kleine rietganzen maken dan plaats voor de weidevogels. Onze nationale vogel de grutto en de tureluur met zijn lange rode poten zoeken dan een veilige plek om te broede...

Aldegeaster Brekken
The water of the Aldegeaster Brekken is located close to the village of Oudega SWF.

Ankertsjerke Oudega SWF
Central in the originally medieval water village of Oudega, you will find the Ankertsjerke. Situated on a small enclosed cemetery right along the east-west axis along which the village originated. A lush ivy adorns the south facade in a thick green coat.

Gaastmeer is the ideal place to escape the hustle and bustle of the day and enjoy peace and space.