MarBoei poetry route | Sailing route
Visit the poetic anchorages on the Frisian waters and enjoy 9 poems by various (Frisian) poets.
As a water sports enthusiast, you can not only moor at Marrekrite docks but also at a MarBoei. There are dozens of them on the lakes of Waterland van Friesland. Once moored, this spot is exclusively yours for up to 24 hours. You can't get closer to your own nature and that of the water. It's so captivating that many people spontaneously started composing poems about it.
Poetic Anchorages
Because a MarBoei can also be a poetic anchorage. Together with De Moanne, poems have been written that are connected to these buoys. With this MarBoei route, 9 of these poetic anchorages are linked together.
Moore your boat at the 9 MarBoeis, read the beautiful poems, admire the view, and enjoy the peace and space.
Visit the poetic anchorages on the Frisian waters and enjoy 9 poems by various (Frisian) poets.
As a water sports enthusiast, you can not only moor at Marrekrite docks but also at a MarBoei. There are dozens of them on the lakes of Waterland van Friesland. Once moored, this spot is exclusively yours for up to 24 hours. You can't get closer to your own nature and that of the water. It's so captivating that many people spontaneously started composing poems about it.
Poetic Anchorages
Because a MarBoei can also be a poetic anchorage. Together with De Moanne, poems have been written that are connected to these buoys. With this MarBoei route, 9 of these poetic anchorages are linked together.
Moore your boat at the 9 MarBoeis, read the beautiful poems, admire the view, and enjoy the peace and space.
Mooring at a MarBoei is different from mooring ashore due to the wind. Watch this instructional video for guidance.
Renting a Boat in Friesland
If you don't have your own motorboat or sloop, no worries, you can easily rent a boat in Friesland.
Duration of the Route
With this nearly 100-kilometer route, you'll be on the water for several days. The MarBoeis are suitable for mooring, and you can stay for a maximum of 24 hours! Enjoy the tranquility on the water and hopefully a beautiful starry sky on a dark night!
Bridges in Friesland
On this route, you'll encounter several fixed bridges, as well as some that you can open yourself. Consult the Watersport App of the provinsje Fryslân to check the opening times and heights of the bridges.
Sustainable Boating
Need to refuel? Choose blue diesel. Or go out with an electric boat. Something tasty for the journey? Fine, but make sure empty packages don't blow overboard. And if you come across litter along the way, take it on board.
Waterway Information
The waterway classification on this route varies. In some sections (near the Âldegeaster Brekken), it is F. Otherwise, the water is navigable for larger boats.
Storyline Space
A MarBoei is part of the Storyline Space. Through twelve special places in Waterland van Friesland, you embark on a 'space journey.'
Sights on this route
Starting point
Navigate to starting point
Marboei MB47
we giene nei de mar ta mar we seine wy geane nei see dat wie de suder earder dy’t it wetter út de isel kriget en ek wat fan it waad no wibelet ús lytse boatsje de snitser oer op de potten ta dy’t ús hertlik begroetsje foar mannen binne we net bang mar om se yn bêd te langjen
Marboei MB74
komst wer thús as in hûn dy’t nei in nacht fol besauwing de tonge rôlje lit oer in rau steed wolst der oer prate mar bist oan ’e kont ta wiet en hiemsiik joust dy del yn ’e lijte fan har ljisken [..]
Marboei MB63
Vandaag worden we ingeklemd door broedplaatsen en steeds grotere nederzettingen om vakantie in te ondergaan maar we varen. De steven beeft, onder de boot woelt iets in zijn slaap en de eerste druppels stuiteren al over de golven.
Marboei MB33
de boten houden zich stil tot het eiland hen gevonden heeft in hun dromen ontwerpen ze het land voelen hoe hun tenen het zand raken zien hoe een schildpad rechtsomkeert maakt in hun hoofd ontwaakt het vermoeden van een stad
Marboei MB62
Wurkskip is it wurd op ’e dronkene wetters fan de skommeljende Bombrek. Dêr’t it swurk tonger seit, hâldt de loft de duvelskoppen fan Breughel en Bosch. Seilen ride op ’e reiden, skowe as blauwe triangels troch pleats en mole.
Marboei MB28
Elke lege zak kan in een meer springen Maar alles wat je bezit is nodig om er weer uit te komen Het hangende zwarte water dat tussen je loodzware kleren kleeft en je ijlend onder dwingt
Marboei MB45
De man zei: ‘Weg daar!’ De vrouw dacht: touw bevestigen, daar is toch geen kunst aan? Toen hij naast haar stond, botste de boot onrustig op het water – alsof iemand steeds voor zijn beurt sprak, eigenlijk onhoudbaar was.
Marboei MB42
Far de feart mar út, krús de gleone tiidlinen – heechspanningskabels, autodyk oer wetterkym – peddeldichtsje dwers ûnder. Smeulsk wachtet de mar, it terra ynkognita fan dit útbiten en ynklonken feangreidlân.
Marboei MB23
Een schip draait over open water de tractor trekt over dezelfde vlakte in gelijkmatige golven bloeien bloemen bomen buigend de masten op de wal ineengedoken eenden veertjes plakkend op de vlonders de stoppels van rietkragen