Wouterswoude - Oenkerk | Elfstedenpad Hiking Trail: Section 14
From Wouterswoude, you wend your way through the village of Damwoude, which is really more like a town, and then continue on to Rinsumageest. Claercamp monastery, once one of the most powerful monasteries in Friesland, stood near here. The surrounding landscape was shaped by the monks who dug canals and reclaimed the land.
The monks named one of the polders Bethlehem after a monastery farm that used to exist here. The name attached itself to the nearby hamlet and over time was corrupted to Bartlehiem. The Elfstedentocht skaters were very familiar with Bartlehiem: they passed through the hamlet twice, both times cheered on loudly by spectators. The Elfstedenpad hiking trail follows a slightly different route,
taking you around Eeltsjema…
From Wouterswoude, you wend your way through the village of Damwoude, which is really more like a town, and then continue on to Rinsumageest. Claercamp monastery, once one of the most powerful monasteries in Friesland, stood near here. The surrounding landscape was shaped by the monks who dug canals and reclaimed the land.
The monks named one of the polders Bethlehem after a monastery farm that used to exist here. The name attached itself to the nearby hamlet and over time was corrupted to Bartlehiem. The Elfstedentocht skaters were very familiar with Bartlehiem: they passed through the hamlet twice, both times cheered on loudly by spectators. The Elfstedenpad hiking trail follows a slightly different route,
taking you around Eeltsjemar lake to the area inhabited by the Frisian nobility. The villages of Oudkerk and Oenkerk have more than their share of historical country houses. Some of these have since disappeared but others are still intact and now serve as hotels. This is your chance to wander through the beautifully landscaped gardens of the De Klinze and Stania State country houses and estates.
Sights on this route
Starting point
Broekloane 34
9113 AW Wouterswoude
Navigate to starting point
Sint-Benedictuskerk Damwoude
De Sint-Benedictuskerk werd eind 12e eeuw gebouwd en in de 13e eeuw werd de toren toegevoegd. De kerk beschikt over vier bijzondere beschilderde schilden uit 1599, een vrijwel gaaf bewaard Hinsz-orgel en mooi gerestaureerde rouwborden.

Eeltsjemar Lake Beach
Eeltsjemar Lake is a leisure area near the village of Rinsumageast.

De Klinze Country House and Estate
De Klinze is a country house and estate where you can choose a new bed, enjoy a night away and stroll through a magnificent park. You can also discover the history of the estate through its art and decor!

De Klinze Country House and Estate
De Klinze Country House and Estate
van Sminiaweg 36
9064 KC Aldtsjerk
Stania State Country House and Estate
Stania State is a country house and estate nestled in the woodland between Oentsjerk and Aldtsjerk in Friesland. This unique property is within cycling distance of Leeuwarden and Dokkum (about 10 km).

Stania State Country House and Estate
Stania State Country House and Estate
Rengersweg 98b
9062 EJ Oentsjerk
End point
Rengersweg 62
9062 EG Oenkerk
Navigate to endpoint
- Van 53 naar 43, dan linksaf richting Damwoude, 46, 37 en daar weer linksaf naar 21, 68 en dan rechtsaf naar 63.
- Hearewei volgen naar 66, 56, en dan Tuskenmarren en Wearbuorren helemaal aflopen naar 51.
- Door naar 32, 44, langs de Klinze naar 37, 74, 79, 57, dan door Grikelân en Turkije naar 22, 42, 78.
- Je wandelt over het terrein van de Staniastate naar knooppunt 41, iets verder is het eindpunt van deze etappe.
- 53
- 43
- 46
- 37
- 21
- 68
- 63
- 66
- 56
- 51
- 32
- 44
- 37
- 74
- 79
- 57
- 22
- 42
- 78
- 41