Heerenveen - Wolvega | Section 12 of the Bonifatius Kloosterpad Monastery Route
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This walk takes you to Schoterconvent and another Bonifatiuskerk church, this time in the village of Ter Idzard.
In 1299, the German Order of Teutonic Knights established a settlement on a bend in the River Tsjonger near what today is the little village of Oudeschoot. The monastery built on this site was known as Schoterconvent. It had a church and also served as a hospital. Today it is commemorated by a small plaque on the side of the road. You walk past Skoattertsjerke church, which stands where the monastery once stood.
After the Reformation a fort was built o…
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This walk takes you to Schoterconvent and another Bonifatiuskerk church, this time in the village of Ter Idzard.
In 1299, the German Order of Teutonic Knights established a settlement on a bend in the River Tsjonger near what today is the little village of Oudeschoot. The monastery built on this site was known as Schoterconvent. It had a church and also served as a hospital. Today it is commemorated by a small plaque on the side of the road. You walk past Skoattertsjerke church, which stands where the monastery once stood.
After the Reformation a fort was built on the foundations of the monastery to defend against the Spanish. The fort on the River Tjonger was part of the Frisian Water Line. Though it is not on the same site, Tjongerschans Hospital in Heerenveen is named after the fort.
You continue along the River Tsjonger, past the villages of Mildam and Ter Idzard, on your way to Wolvega.
After the Reformation, many Catholics continued to practice their faith in secret and held services in clandestine churches. A new Roman Catholic church was built in Wolvega in the 19th century. Here you can see the remarkable burial chapel that holds the remains of the Frisian adventurer Tinco Lycklama à Nijeholt and his wife. Both converted to the Catholic faith and wanted to be buried here.
Sights on this route
Starting point
8441 Heerenveen
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De Crackstate is één van de mooist gebouwen van Heerenveen en werd in 1648 gebouwd in opdracht van grietman Johannes Crack.

Museum Heerenveen
Museum Heerenveen is a unique dual museum that covers all aspects of the history of Heerenveen, from archaeological finds to 19th-century art, from those who presided as ‘grietman’ or town magistrate to socialist politician Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis.

Skoattertsjerke Oudeschoot
Op deze plek moet voorheen een klooster met hospitaalfunctie en een houten kerk hebben gestaan; het Schoterconvent. Deze huidige zaalkerk is gebouwd in 1752, in opdracht van Menno Coehoorn van Scheltinga (grietman van Schoterland).

Skoattertsjerke Oudeschoot
Skoattertsjerke Oudeschoot
Schoterlandseweg 24
8451 CP Oudeschoot
Bonifatiuskerk Ter Idzard
De kerk van Ter Idzard is gewijd is aan de heilige Bonifatius en dateert uit de periode 1423 -1455. Daarvoor moet er al een kapelletje in dit dorpje hebben gestaan.

Kapel Tinco Lycklama à Nijeholt
Op het kerkhof bij de Katholieke kerk van Wolvega vind je de kapel boven de grafkelder van jonkheer Tinco Lycklama à Nijeholt en zijn vrouw Juliana thoe Schwartsenberg en Hohenlansberg.

End point
8471 Wolvega
Navigate to endpoint
Van knoppunt 71 (bordje staat wat verborgen voor station Heerenveen bij fietstunnel onder spoor door aan voorzijde station) naar knooppunt 74 - 23 - 22 - 25 - 51 - 56 - 58 - 59 - 49 - 48 - 77 - 88 - 81 - 26 - 28 - 23 - 27 - 89 - 13 - 18 - 49 - 42 - 44 - 70 (station Wolvega).
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- 74
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- 48
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- 81
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- 70