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Civil protection in the province of Friesland

(168.8 km)

After World War II, America and the Soviet Union come face to face with each other. The Soviet Union had an immense army standing by just behind the former German-German border, which – if the command had come from Moscow – could have occupied the port of Rotterdam within a few days.

In many places, 'atomic bunkers' were built where the civilian population could shelter and underground emergency hospitals where the wounded could be treated. The bunkers were under the responsibility of the Population Protection organization, better known as the BB.

This organization was founded in 1952 and consisted f…

After World War II, America and the Soviet Union come face to face with each other. The Soviet Union had an immense army standing by just behind the former German-German border, which – if the command had come from Moscow – could have occupied the port of Rotterdam within a few days.

In many places, 'atomic bunkers' were built where the civilian population could shelter and underground emergency hospitals where the wounded could be treated. The bunkers were under the responsibility of the Population Protection organization, better known as the BB.

This organization was founded in 1952 and consisted for the most part of volunteers (men and women). In the event of an air raid, they would act as quickly as possible to clear debris, transport the wounded to hospitals and extinguish fires. There was also a national warning system, of which the sirens were the loudest sign.

From 1970 the BB was constantly cut back, and from 1981 the BB was gradually phased out and discontinued. The functions of the BB were taken over by other aid organizations. In 1986 the BB was dissolved for good. During this car route you will visit the Population Protection Museum in Grou, the Oude Mirdum Air Watch Tower and the Oranjewoud BB Bunker. Do not forget to inquire about the opening times of the museums in this car route!

Have fun!

Sights on this route

Starting point:

Burstumerdyk 1
9001 ZC Grou
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Grou Command Post

The former command post at Grou is now part of a museum that conserves the heritage of the organisation set up to protect the population during the Cold War. Experience the feeling of the Cold War and visit the underground bunkers.

Grou Command Post

Building Arendstuin in Leeuwarden

This building on the Arendstuin in Leeuwarden was used as a Marechaussee barracks and depot of the Protection of the Population.

Building Arendstuin in Leeuwarden

Groeneweg bunker complex

This bunker complex on the Groeneweg was used by the A-kring in Friesland during the period of "the cold" war.

Groeneweg bunker complex

Cultuur Historisch Centrum 'De Tiid'

Museum De Tiid, in the former historic town hall in Bolsward, shows the fascinating history of Southwest Fryslân. Take your time for the interactive presentations and feast your eyes in the photogenic council chamber, on the steps and in the city hall tow

Cultuur Historisch Centrum 'De Tiid'

Museum Warkums Erfskip

Museum Warkums Erfskip is housed in the old Waag building in the center and tells more about the history of Workum and its surroundings. It is the starting point to discover and admire the highlights of the beautiful city of Workum.

Museum Warkums Erfskip It Stedhûs

Air Surveillance Tower

This air watchtower is located near Oudemirdum on the Huningspaed near the Jolderenbos, which serves as a reminder of the Cold War period. These air watchtowers were installed all over the Netherlands to spot enemy aircraft.

Air Surveillance Tower

Mar en Klif Visitor Center

In the visitor centre, you will discover many aspects of National Landscape Southwest Fryslân

Mar en Klif Visitor Center

Oranjewoud BB bunker

In the period of the Cold War, the Dutch government promulgated in 1952 the Protection of Population Act. All over the country volunteers were trained by the 'BB' to respond adequately in case of emergency.

Oranjewoud BB bunker

End point:

Burstumerdyk 1
9001 ZC Grou
Navigate to endpoint


Starting point:

Burstumerdyk 1
9001 ZC Grou
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Het Start- en eindpunt van de route is het museum Bescherming Bevolking in Grou. Hier kun je de auto parkeren en het museum bezoeken voordat je van start gaat. Commandopost Grou is een van de bezoekerslocaties van het Museum Bescherming Bevolking.

End point:

Burstumerdyk 1
9001 ZC Grou
Navigate to endpoint