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East Loop of the De 8 van Grou Cycle and Ferry Route

(55.2 km)

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This popular cycle route takes you along waterways in the heart of Friesland.

Along the way you get to enjoy 5 ferry crossings. A wonderful experience for all ages!

You can start the route at the Tourist Transfer Point (Toeristisch Overstap Punt or ‘TOP’) near the It Damshûs open air museum in the village of Nij Beets. From here, you cycle along many canals and past pumping stations such as the Sudergemaal. The Sudergemaal pumping station is on one of the waterways of the Turf Boating Route. It was built back in 1924 to drain the polders and was one of the first electric pumping stations to be built in Friesland. It is now part of the It Damshûs open air museum.

This rout…

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This popular cycle route takes you along waterways in the heart of Friesland.

Along the way you get to enjoy 5 ferry crossings. A wonderful experience for all ages!

You can start the route at the Tourist Transfer Point (Toeristisch Overstap Punt or ‘TOP’) near the It Damshûs open air museum in the village of Nij Beets. From here, you cycle along many canals and past pumping stations such as the Sudergemaal. The Sudergemaal pumping station is on one of the waterways of the Turf Boating Route. It was built back in 1924 to drain the polders and was one of the first electric pumping stations to be built in Friesland. It is now part of the It Damshûs open air museum.

This route also takes you through the beautiful De Deelen wetland reserve, past sites of cultural interest and through vibrant water sports villages. Be sure to enjoy the many birds you will see in this area. 

And every so often, take a moment to relax at the rest areas, picnic tables and terraces along the way. 

In short, this route is the perfect combination of nature and culture.

Sights on this route

TOP Nij Beets

Vanaf Toeristisch Overstap Punt Nij Beets, gevestigd op het parkeerterrein van Openluchtmuseum It Damshûs. kun je zo Het Andere Friesland intrekken!

TOP Nij Beets TOP Nij Beets

Openluchtmuseum It Damshûs

The open-air museum offers a fascinating retrospective view into the past, somewhere around 1900. The museum also shows its visitors the process in which bog is turned into peat and the horrible conditions the laborers had to deal with. Dwelling hous...

Openluchtmuseum It Damshûs

Sudergemaal Pumping Station

The Sudergemaal pumping station is on one of the waterways of the Turf Boating Route. It was built in 1924 to drain the polders and was one of the first electric pumping stations built in Friesland. Today it is part of the It Damshûs open air museum.

Sudergemaal Pumping Station

Veerpont Jeltsje (Nij Beets)

Veerpont Jeltsje (Nij Beets)

Het Tripgemaal

Het Tripgemaal groeide mee met de technische ontwikkelingen. Van stoom naar gas, van gas naar olie en van olie naar elektriciteit. Honderd jaar na zijn ingebruikname, in 1976, werd het gemaal overbodig. Een nieuw gemaal nam het drooghouden van de polder over.

Het Tripgemaal

De Deelen Nature Reserve

The De Deelen nature reserve was a peat mining area. Today the land is a mosaic of water, reed beds, patches of swamp forest and narrow strips of grassland. This wetland area is home to many species of birds. There is also unique industrial heritage here.

De Deelen Nature Reserve

Koningsdiep River

The Koningsdiep river winds its way between the villages of Akkrum and Bakkeveen in Southeast Friesland. The surrounding landscape is dotted with meadows with wooded banks and forests with beautiful walks.

Koningsdiep River

Grou Command Post

The former command post at Grou is now part of a museum that conserves the heritage of the organisation set up to protect the population during the Cold War. Experience the feeling of the Cold War and visit the underground bunkers.

Grou Command Post

Veerpont Gastvrij Grou (Grou Hellinghaven)

Voor overzetten van groepen buiten reguliere vaartijden: 06 2917 4926

Veerpont Gastvrij Grou (Grou Hellinghaven)

Veerpont De Burd (Grouw Yne Lyte)

-De pont vaart op feestdagen volgens de zondagsdienstregeling. -De Burd is een eiland. Er is geen doorgaand verkeer mogelijk, behalve in de zomer voor fietsers.

Veerpont De Burd (Grouw Yne Lyte)

Veerpont De Snoekcbaers (De Burd)

-Groepen kunnen tijdens het vaarseizoen op afspraak het pontje buiten de reguliere vaartijden reserveren: 06 2917 4926

Veerpont De Snoekcbaers (De Burd)

Veerpont Grietman-Eco (Hooidammen)

-Groepen kunnen zich buiten de reguliere vaartijden laten overzetten na telefonische afspraak: 06 57991511

Veerpont Grietman-Eco (Hooidammen)

Wind Engine at De Veenhoop

This unusual windmill was built as a large American wind engine. It was transported to the Netherlands by a trading company based in Rotterdam in 1926 and now drains the land to the northeast of the village of De Veenhoop.

Wind Engine at De Veenhoop

Voormalig klooster Smelne

Smalle Ee is het kleinste dorp van de gemeente Smallingerland. Rond 1200 was dit een toonaangevende plek: er stond een klooster gesticht door Augustijner monniken. Het kloosterterrein is nog te herkennen als een langgerekte bult in het landschap.

Voormalig klooster Smelne

TOP Nij Beets

Vanaf Toeristisch Overstap Punt Nij Beets, gevestigd op het parkeerterrein van Openluchtmuseum It Damshûs. kun je zo Het Andere Friesland intrekken!

TOP Nij Beets TOP Nij Beets